This concept has been on my mind a lot recently. And so has the younger version of myself. I feel the lingering spirit of my younger self around, and I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have a conversation with her. I wonder, how would my younger self feel about who I am today? I can't help but feel like she would think I've lost my way a bit. When I look back on my younger self, I see a reflection of the part of me that is missing today. My younger self, who ran freely barefoot outside for months on end, with tangled hair and sun tanned skin, would be shocked to know that I am lucky to get out into nature a few times a month, if I'm lucky. My younger self, who cared so little about her appearance, might be saddened to know that I pick myself apart in the mirror. My younger self, who was such a big dreamer, and believed nothing was impossible, would be amazed that I hold space for doubt, or deeply question my own every move. I often wonder, when did that young girl transform? When did she allow for external influences to shape who she is? That young girl was the embodiment of what it means to be wild. She saw plants and animals as friends, and saw them for the conscious spirits they are. She never saw herself as separate from the natural world, and matter of factly was more comfortable being plugged into it. That young girl, despite having the world ahead of her, and the journey of life to walk on, was confident in who she was, and the question of who she was meant to be never really arose in her mind. Today, a couple of decades later, that girl is my biggest source of inspiration. The truth is, she is not gone, and her voice grows louder the further I stray. She reminds me of who I am. The girl who laughs openly, not thinking about what people say about her smile. She reminds me that I have every ability to achieve my dreams, and pursue a path that is authentic and real. My younger self would have never allowed opinions or preconceived ideas to hamper a good daydream. She encourages me to think big, and not be concerned about the possible consequences, because right now they do not matter. So today I choose to ask myself, how might I give back to my younger self? I will choose to embody her. I will remember what it means to be wild. I will remember who I was before I allowed external influences to shape my path and tell me who I am. I will return to nature, and listen to the plants. I will gratefully accept their wisdom, and rebelliously slow down long enough to genuinely listen. I will take the time to allow myself to feel the wind kiss my face and run its fingers through my hair. I will embody the girl who decorated her childhood forts with cleavers, and made magical potions in the yard. I will embrace her dreams of healing the world around her. I will choose to pursue friendship in place of fearful judgement. And I will extend that friendship and loving energy toward myself. I will choose to remember my talents in place of my flaws and celebrate them. And while I am at it, celebrate my imperfections as well, for if we all were the same, we would not be unique. I will stay up late and gawk at the moon. I will jump in the river and giggle loudly. I will return to her. Thank you for this space to be vulnerable. May we all remember who we are.
O o o o f. What a month. Hello again beautiful souls! Did anyone feel like the last month was just... a LOT? If so, know that I am right there with you. I'll be honest. I am a summer baby - and matter of factly this was my birthday month. And when I was younger, I LOVED the summertime. It always felt like a freeing, magical, and vibrant time of the year. However, the last few years have not felt that way. They have felt overwhelming, and busier than ever. And in a way that is nothing short of exhausting. Sometimes the energy of summer can feel hard to embrace, as it almost feels like the energy is at an unbelievable peak that feels out of reach. And know that if you feel that way, it is okay, and you are not alone. And yet, may we also be nimble and flexible, and take with us a mantra as we round out these months of summer. How may we explore the powerful energies of this time and identify ways in which to interact with them that better serve us? For example, perhaps we express gratitude that this time of year, we awaken to warm sunshine through the window and the beautiful songs of birds versus the dark and cold of early winter mornings? How does this raise our vibration? How do we infuse the energy of the solar peak we are experiencing and allow it to guide how we show up in our communities? The F i v e of P e n t a c l e s | M u g w o r t We begin the month of August with the blessed day of Lughnasadh (or also known as Lammas). This is a special event marking the first of the 3 harvest festivals as we move into the autumn months. In August, we express gratitude for the abundance in which we are about to receive, and the nourishment from the fields and gardens. We recognize during these sacred days that we live in relationship with our earth, and that without the reciprocal relationship of tending to the crops, we do not receive the blessings of abundant nourishment. As we seek guidance from the tarot, the herbs, from our guides, and from our ancestors, may we also reflect on ways in which we can further live in reciprocal relationship with the earth, and within our communities. What message does our collective ToVA community need to receive for the month of August?
regret, for these can be ruthless traps from which it is hard to break free. Have faith that all things that occur are for further enlightenment. Don't torment yourself about your relationships, money, home life, status, or friends that have left your circle. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel and affirm an inner faith as a new day unfolds.
Mugwort: Mugwort is a powerful ally for cleansing and achieving clarity. Mugwort is incredibly sacred in this way, helping us connect to the deeper parts of ourselves. We have all of the tools to move through inevitable change at our disposal, but Mugwort can help to open and awaken us to our own empowerment. Mugwort also is incredibly grounding and has an affinity for the moon in all of its phases, reminding us that beautiful things come from consistent change, even when we feel darkness around us. S h a y l e ' s Thoughts: It is interesting we receive this card after a month that felt chaotic for many of us. This card also feels particularly resonate for where I am sensing our collective society is at this point in a very fascinating time. The Suit of Pentacles has an affinity for the tangible, but moreover, asks us to evaluate our reactions to, and relationship with, our external environment. Often we tend to have a very confrontational relationship with our outer world, particularly when it comes to things that make us uncomfortable or feel outside of our control. Instead of pushing back, what if we see the external influences as a lesson or as a guide instead of that which is trying to hold us back? Perhaps we are pushing too much for something that does not truly serve our highest good and it might be a time to instead turn inward, and really evaluate what it is that is calling to our soul. It is also interesting that we receive this card in August, being that this is the initiation of inevitable change, albeit change we are familiar with. While August still very much is a summer month, it is a month in which harvest begins, and we start preparing for the autumn and winter months that lie ahead. While we are still enjoying the final weeks of warmth and sunshine, the upcoming autumn season starts becoming prominent in our collective consciousness. Perhaps this card calls upon us to examine how we can approach the change that awaits us with grace, allowing ourselves plenty of space in which to prepare versus facing it abruptly as it arrives. May we be okay with starting over if need be, as all things that are beautiful and successful have a strong foundation. If we find that our foundation is missing, perhaps we need to again become students and build that for ourselves. And may we find roots that allow us to ground, knowing that our external influences may ebb and flow around us, but yet remain confident in knowing who we are, and that we are here for a reason, and that cannot be taken from us. Happy August sweet loves. Take a deep breath, and know that we will get though any challenge. Sending you love. Blessed be, S h a y l e W e l c o m e back! Firstly, I want to extend a big huge ball of gratitude out to my community and support system. Thank you all for the kindest words, well wishes, and overall sweetness associated with launching the first step of ToVA: Her website! Words can't express how good it feels to know she has an internet home, and a place where people can get to know her in all of her consciousness. There is so much good to come, and thank you again for allowing me to hold this space - the Curiosities & Apothecaries space. My open internet journal, and a place to further connect with you all via the interwebs. I look forward to the circle that will continue to gather here and all of the sweet beings I will get the opportunity to meet and know! Speaking of good to come, I am so excited to introduce the first of a monthly collective tarot series! While I am an absolute n00b (ugh - I miss the early 2000s internet lingo) when it comes to the Tarot, it is a form of divination that I do indulge in, or turn to when I'm needing guidance; whether that be from my guides, ancestors, or the Universe in general! This space is about building and centering community, and I felt that a monthly reading at the start of the month might be a beautiful way for us to not only connect over something familiar and similar, but to ponder together as well. That's the beautiful thing about Tarot, is that it is something that is intuitive and frankly, personal. While we may all start at the same base, we may receive varying messages and levels of guidance, and this is an open platform in which to share what you receive! The deck that we utilize may change from time to time, (and it is also possible that we may bring in runes in place of tarot at times!) but being as this is a space where we celebrate plant spirits, it felt only natural to start with The Herbal Tarot by Michael Tierra and Candis Cantin, which offers a typical card from the Smith-Waite format, as well as an associated herbal ally on each card. And, without further adieu, let's jump into the July reading! The E i g h t of C u p s | The G r a v e l Root For each monthly reading, to give respect where it is due to the makers behind the tarot deck with which we are working, I will initially provide the interpretation of the card as written by the makers. Following this, I will give my own intuitive interpretation and insight, and I so very much welcome you to share yours in the comments! I hope that this blog becomes so much more than a one-way communication platform, but becomes instead a place for deep discussion! What message does our collective ToVa Community need right now?
S h a y l e ' s Thoughts:
The suit of cups has an affinity for the heart, and when we see cups in our tarot pull or spread, we are encouraged to lean into our emotions, intuition, and dreams. We are asked to allow our hearts to lead us, not getting caught up in the finest details. This is a beautiful first card for Curiosities and Apothecaries, and for ToVA's launch and continued budding. While there is a baseline vision for the journey in which both can walk down, they both are their own beings of consciousness and there is an abundance of possibility. And I feel that is what this card is speaking to us. Why do we as a collective, so often fear the unknown? Sometimes, it does not hurt to relish in the fact that we have no idea what could possibly lie ahead, and to have fun with that. What a blessing it can be to know that we could be surprised, in all the good ways and the bad, and know that we have beautiful lessons and opportunities to grow just waiting for us to discover. May we embrace the mystery that embodies traveling out into the night, versus choosing to start our journey in the comfort of the daylight. May we be fluid, like the water that supports our boat, nimble and adaptable, and flowing. Happy July sweet babes - thank you for being here. All my love, Shayle Welcome. I am excited you are here. :)
This is a little space of the internet that I claiming for myself, as a space to be authentic and vulnerable, and just to be me. This is a space that will serve as my open journal, where I share my thoughts, perspectives, and steps along my journey. While this is a space where I will share lots of herbal goodness, I want it to also be a space where this community can get to know Shayle, and all of her messiness. Now, I'm not sure just how much I will always share about my personal life and journey, as I do think it is important to maintain boundaries and a personal sacred space where aspects of one's life are kept private, but I will simply let intuition guide me. My hope is that this space can be a creative outlet, and a place for cathartic release - I often have lots of thoughts buzzing in my head - and a place where I invite others to share in raw and thoughtful discussion. After a year like 2020 especially, I think I am not alone in longing for connection. While this past year was hard, I also think the silver lining was that it forced a lot of us to do some internal reflection, and to really assess what it is we want in our life. It was a year that shook us free from the cycles of day to day, and there appeared to have been a collective sense of awakening among humanity, that perhaps there is another way. So welcome. Welcome to this space, where we remember. We remember what it means to be wild. What it means to return to our roots, and to walk in the wisdom of the land. Where we listen to the sagacity of our ancestors, and also hold them accountable in our own journey. Where we remember that connection to community is vital, and we live in alignment with the ever changing phases of the Moon. Where we respect this planet and are stewards of Her gifts and blessings. Where we remember what is truly sacred. Welcome to the space where story-telling is lifeblood and support for one another is our breath. And I hope that you will share this journey with me. May we hold space to continue to learn from one another, inspire each other, and grow together. And I do recognize that many of us are in different levels of remembering. And that is perfectly okay. However, what is not welcome in this space is hate, bullying, prejudice, bigotry of any kind. This space is anti-racist, inclusive, and safe for all regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. So with great gratitude, I express a thank you for allowing this circle to be and form. I look forward to joining you all in curiosity. See you soon. All my love, Shayle |