On R e - e m e r g e n c e. It is this time of year that I begin to daydream. I am still embracing the coziness that comes with winter time, for a chill still remains in the air (and frankly, as I write this a good amount of much-needed snow is blanketing the ground), but yet I start to think about the seedlings that lay deep in the frozen soil. I get giddy about the plants they will soon become, and the awakening energy that comes with the spring. I often find myself excited about change more than I am reluctant. Matter of factly, my biggest fear is stagnation. While it is true that I am a fan of the familiar - I like certain things to remain stable, like cherished relationships, my home space, or stability in career - I do love change. I get excited about new adventures, what I will learn that I do not yet know, and the buzzing energy of something transpiring that perhaps I did not expect. Perhaps that is why I have a fondness for such things as Spring. As we follow the celebration of Imbolc, we are reminded of the warmer days that await us. I start to dream of what my garden will look like soon, and start to get really, really excited about such things as starting seedlings! Spring is a sort of energetic re-emergence, when Brighid herself, re-emergences as the Maiden from the Crone, shedding the sleepiness of winter and stepping into the renewal of spring. We ourselves re-emerge from the year that we are leaving behind, and emerge from a period of darkness and inward-turning. We start to dream about what the months ahead will bring, and the new memories we will create. And with the return of the sun, beautiful light is shed on that which we have spent time in the dark months cultivating and encourages it to grow. How can we not be excited about that? P a g e of P e n t a c l e s | B l u e Flag With the concept re-emergence comes a similar thought that has been on my mind lately. On how growth and lessons are a constant. Sometimes this is a beautiful thing, and other times it's exhausting. I personally feel like harsh lessons have been thrown my way pretty consistently over the last few months, almost to the point I'm asking for a bit of mercy. But perhaps this all comes with the promise of faith - in that things are happening just as they should. And it is my choice whether I choose to buckle, or embrace the change and growth. I am also a student of impermanence these days - and find comfort in known that nothing can stay the same forever, and that in and of itself can be such a blessing. What might our collective ToVA community need insight on for the month that lies ahead?
S h a y l e ' s Thoughts:
All of the musings prior to drawing this card feel resonate with this card - re-emergence, embracing change, faith. It is a card that feels like a calling to the next step. We are emerging from a period of deep inwardness - feeling the energetic transition from winter. We have just passed Imbolc, which celebrates the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox - and calls upon us to shed that which we no longer want to cultivate. We are being gifted with the encouragement pursuing of passion and inspiration, literally building upon the seeds we are nourishing. We have all that we need within us, and are asked for implementation. May the impermanence, may the shifts bring us such exciting endeavors. I'm excited for you all, happy cultivating! Let's support each other and build collective community-centered abundance. Blessed be, S h a y l e
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