In the depth of the darkness, we begin our celebration of the return of the Sun; that it may soon warm our faces and kiss our hair. This is an interesting point in the year, as the turning of January feels like an embodiment of the concept of "both, and." In the Wheel of the Year, we have just surpassed the Winter Solstice, and now await what is known as Imbolc - the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is this period of time we are called to remain in deep slumber, much of the world still very much in hibernation. And yet, we have also just experienced the longest night of the year, and now are experiencing days that grow gradually longer. This marks the return of the light of the Sun, reminding us with each passing evening that Spring will arrive, pulling us from this state. Therefore, we find ourselves in a situation where we can be both in hibernation, surrendering to the darkness, and simultaneously feeling the joy of the "new" that lies ahead. It is often that nature reminds us of this lesson, no? That there is nothing that really truly is only one way or another. The beginning of the Gregorian calendar year is also an interesting point. January 1st serves as the marker for the next 12 month cycle we have grown accustomed to. It is declared as a "new beginning," though in the part of our soul that is connected to the ancient ones, this might feel somewhat off - and it only makes sense! The reason for this is perhaps because when we look at the natural wheel of the year, January is simply central to winter, and having come only on the heels of the Winter Solstice. This means that you may feel called to remain held by the dark, to continue to move slowly, and to continue to rest. That is perfectly fine, and you should always listen to what your intuition says you need! However, we also live in a multi-layered world. And if you are like me, you appreciate having a couple of opportunities for a clean slate. I very much see Samhain as the initiation of a new year; and am embracing the sacred death that we experience in the natural world around us in the fall as a lesson in being the start of a cycle versus the end of one. And yet - I like to see the Gregorian New Year as a check in point on the intentions I have made at Samhain: Am I staying true to my intentions? Are they realistic for me? Have I made plans for how to achieve my goals? Have I set the boundaries necessary for myself to let go of what no longer serves me? The Gregorian New Year can serve as that almost last ditch reminder before we jump into a new 12-month cycle to reflect on whether or not I am actively choosing to carry energies or habits into this new cycle that are not helpful for me. This is another example of how we can navigate "both, and." We can follow the wheel of the year, tuning into the rhythms and cycles of nature, and actively choose to align with them. At the same time, we can also identify ways in which we can live in harmony with such concepts as the Gregorian calendar, through which modern society functions, versus allowing them to cause unnecessary tension within ourselves. A l l i e s for I n t e n t i o n s If you are feeling called to either check in with previously set intentions, or feel the call to set ones with the convening of a new year, as always we can call upon the support, guidance, and love of our herbal allies. While achieving the goals one sets for themselves is ultimately up to us, the herbs can hold space for us and provide valuable teaching and nourishment for our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies along the way. For Physical Nourishment: Call upon allies that build a strong base, flooding our bodies with the vitamins, minerals, and life force we need for long-term vitality. As a house will crumble without a strong foundation, we too must work from a place of stability. Calling upon the support of nourishing, wild, green herbs as we seek to work toward the life we wish to create ensures that we have this baseline to have the energy and clarity of thought that can support our journey. Call upon herbal infusions of deeply nourishing plants such as Nettle, Oatstraw, Dandelion, Chickweed, Cleavers, or Burdock for this purpose. For Emotional Nourishment: We tend to be our own biggest barriers. As we seek to set intention, perhaps we become our own biggest critic, or the doubt that arises is instilled by no one but us. Herbal allies that can be called upon to open our hearts, and help us to find love for ourselves include blessed Hawthorn, Linden, Calendula, Yarrow, and Rose. These herbs hold us deeply, and remind us of our own confidence and inner power, drawing this out from deep within. They also deeply nourish our emotional heart, helping us overcome grief or fear that may be holding us back. For Spiritual Nourishment: The herbs we call upon in this space are also those that can be used for clarity, and to invoke the sacred. Intention setting, while it does not have to be a practice that takes long, should be done when we can devote our full present attention to it. Intentions are an extension of our sacred self, a sort of deliberate wish we ask the Universe to help us bring to fruition; an action that we intend to put meaningful energy behind, and call upon our intuition to guide. Therefore, the setting of intentions are ritualistic in nature - and the herbs we call upon for this space embody sacred energy. We can again call upon Hawthorn and her thorns, or Nettle and her glorious sting as energetic reminders of the sacredness of boundaries and how holding ourselves to these can help fuel our intentions - helping us to understand the balance of where we should best choose to expend energy. Burn Mugwort, Lavender, or Vervain for not only mental clarity, but to invoke the sacred. These herbs have long been revered by our ancient, well ancestors for their connection to the divine. Burn Damiana to calm a racing mind and bring yourself into presence, or Mullein to invoke the wild. If you feel called, you are welcome to share what intentions you have for the year that awaits us in the comments below. This is a space where we can support one another on our journeys. Happy manifesting sweet ones, and may glorious things come to you in this New Year, S h a y l e
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11/15/2022 03:29:04 am
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